First Confession and First Communion
Preparation for First Confession and First Communion requiring one prior consecutive year of religious education through the parish religious education program before the year of preparation for the sacraments. This usually occurs in first and second grade, with the child receiving First Communion at the end of their second-grade year.
Children receiving religious education in a diocesan-recognized Catholic school still need to participate in the second year of the parish program.
The child's first-year class will be determined by age and prior religious education. Children must be seven to start the second year of preparation.
It is recommended that you contact the director of religious education if you have any questions about how the two-year program will work for your family.
First Communion Class Policies
In addition to their sacramental preparation in the parish religious education program, there are aspects of the program completed at home. Complete preparation for the sacraments requires family prayer and family attendance at Sunday Mass.
To register, please go to the link below to register online. If your child were not baptized at Saint Francis of Assisi Church, we would need an official sealed copy of your child's baptism certificate as well.
To register online, CLICK HERE.