Saint Francis of Assisi Parish's Religious Education Program is for a way of life, integrating catechesis with faith modeled in the family. Family involvement and regular participation in the Sunday Mass are crucial to spiritual development at every age. For more information, click on the buttons above. To register, please follow the link below.

Adult catechesis and preparation for Confirmation will depend on prior religious education. Contact Jim Brantner for more information.
Baptism, First Communion
Adult catechesis for these sacraments takes place in the context of the OCIA process.
​Bible studies, faith formation classes, prayer groups are scheduled throughout the year. See the bulletin for even more opportunities.

Preparation for First Communion and First Confession is a two-year process, requiring a consecutive year of religious education before the year of preparation for the sacraments. This usually occurs when the child is in first and second grade, with the child receiving First Communion at the end of his second-grade year.
Religious Education for grades K-8 is held Tuesday afternoon from 5:30-6:45. Classes run from September through April. CLICK HERE to view this year's schedule.

Preparation for Confirmation is a two-year preparation process. Students, ninth grade and above, meet the second Sunday of the month (beginning in September) at the 10 or 10:30am Mass. Class begins right after Mass in the Parish Hall.​
Faith is not one size fits all. Jesus came so that we can have our own personal relationship with Him! Youth Group is designed to create opportunities for teens to discover who Jesus is and how to develop that relationship. Growth happens through prayer, service and discussion.