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Prayer Intention Request Form

Strength and peace come when we pray for one another.  If you have a special intention or prayer request, please complete the form below.  Your Prayer Requests will still be accepted and sent to our Pastor to add to his personal prayer intentions and our ‘Ador-ers and Pray-ers’ Ministry to include in their daily prayers.  The Prayer Request will be added to the Prayer Intention Book and prayed for at each Mass.

NOTE:  We prefer to pray for you "by name" and thus request the first name of the person you are requesting us to pray for.  If, however, you wish to remain anonymous, just enter a phrase such as "A lady known to God" or "A man seeking help."  If you are using a person's full name, you must have permission to publish their name.  Any such phrase will do for us to still pray for your intention specifically.

Request or Intention

Please select how you would like your request prayed for...

Click here to download

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